I was having a fun conversation with Chubs after school about him having pressure at school with all these tests yesterday. He said he always feels a lot of pressure when they take the standardized tests, they are taking practice ones again this week. I told him good, we are making you into a diamond and diamonds require a lot of pressure to form. I also followed with or do you think diamonds start out on the sofa and their mamas tell them "no, let me do everything for you." Chubs then rolled his eyes and said what do I want to be a diamond for, a lump of coal is much more useful. I would rather be coal and at least you can burn me and I can do work, a diamond is just good to hang on a useless girl's ear. I don't want that for me.
Woah!? I told him you don't know everything about the mighty diamond. Yes, girls waste a lot of them as jewelry, but they are used in cool applications too. You don't even know where they show up. It is like when you learn to first write, you think a crayon is alright, then you start using a pencil and think that is the bee's knees. Eventually, you graduate to a pen, and you think "my God, in color, can it get any better!?" As it turns out, yes, we are now writing more and more on computers, where we don't even need to carry pencils or pens anymore. Think of that when you think of a diamond, used as a very special tool.
When you want to dig a hole, you might start with a spoon as a kid, eventually you discover a shovel and think that is much better, then one day you might even rent a backhoe and think wow, that is a hole. When you need to dig deep, like hundreds of feet deep, then you break out the diamond tipped drills, they help us reach the oil and gas our cars require.
Need more proof they are manly? Drill tipped saws are used in the auto industry to cut the sheets of metal used to make car bodies, they don't overheat and thus can be run longer without stopping. They are used extensively wherever glass is involved, whether making glasses to see or automobile glass, diamonds are used to cut glass perfectly every time. They are even used to polish the glass once it is shaped. They are used in the semiconductor field, high end speakers can use diamonds for their vibration quality and they do not deform over time. And of course, everyone's favorite drill, the dentist drill is covered in diamonds, they need the hardest material known to work on one of the hardest materials, our teeth. Next time you get a cavity worked on ladies, at least you can think "I have a million diamonds in my mouth, and I am worth it."
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