I decided to start with Boy's shower problem, and it seemed quite easy to fix. He showed me the water spout in the tub has a diverter, which you pull and the water goes up to the shower head. I took off the old one like a champ, but then there was a brass piece which had no rhyme or reason to be there, but it made the copper pipe a challenge to connect to. Since I seemed to be back to square one, I thought maybe I could take the old diverter off and put the new one from the new spout on the old spout and just put it back together. I wasted half an hour doing this, before deciding I was late for work during my lunch break.
Today, I went to Lowe's and, luckily they sell Delta brand replacements, and it too had the brass fitting. Since it looked almost identical, I figured I could just leave the old brass piece and use it to hold the new spout. That idea worked great, the new shower head sprays a beautiful round pattern, no leaks seen on lower spout, all water is going to the shower, I kick ass.
I will continue today, installing the new towel racks, so both boys can start getting used to using that bathroom. I also need to install those curved shower curtain holders, but I don't want to rush it and screw it up. For a finishing touch, the bathroom will need a couple of robe holders since Chubs got a really nice TARDIS robe from Wife's parents.
The downstairs toilet is still "leaking/sweating" too much water to ignore. I changed the inlet water hose, but maybe I just am not cranking down hard enough by hand. The curved shower curtain will also be installed downstairs. As far as chores around our water sources, if I am going to be honest, it is time to redo the caulk in the kitchen behind the faucet, where the graite and tile on the wall meet. It is worn through, rusty colored, and just needs to be done. Along with a better solution for all the electrical wires going to the lights we installed under the cabinets in the kitchen, lighting the counter tops at night. Staying on top of these chores is not easy, not because as Wife says "house is too big", I just never really learned to do this. I wish there was a class or a tutorial when you buy a house, something that tells you to remove and redo tub caulk every year, or every two years, whatever it is. Oh well, house is looking alright.
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