I will be the first to say because I work nights and going downtown is only slightly worse than getting kicked in the nuts, I never look for reasons to go down there, then what, pay to park or risk getting towed or a ticket? Ughhh, keep your downtown and all its horrible problems. Yesterday, after running to Cooper's BBQ and hanging out at home, our friend came over for a visit. This is all great and swell, but then her kid said quietly but proudly that he was going to march in the MLK parade. I was trying to enjoy my meat coma and initially just said mmm-hmmm. But he seemed to stare like he had more to say, so I had to make fun of him for a bit for talking in a quiet tone, which his mom wanted to correct and say I am teaching them manners, to which I said I teach boys to be men, now son, address me like you got a pair of testicles and let me hear you Sir, Yes Sir!!!! I love teasing the young 'uns.
Turns out there was going to be a parade downtown, which we missed. His mom told Wife there was a whole festival, food, bands playing. I thought MLK day meant no school sometimes, extra pay, sometimes, I didn't think anyone was really going out of their way. School kids write essays but you know, that's between them and their English teachers. We should get out to some of these festivities, but I fear they are geared for the unemployables, it doesn't feel right to party on a Monday.
I feel the same way about these celebrations when done Beaner style. Cinco de Mayo is the same thing, find a venue frequented by the brown population and put on a "jamaica." I remember going to one back when I was still at UT. Nothing but Hispanics and brown attitude. At the time, being 21, you think this is great, Mexican flags labeling ourselves chicano this and chicana that. To what end? Look in the mirror, of course you're chicano, nobody is going to confuse me for anything else.
Of course we should be proud of where we come from, but we need to accept that we are now Americans, and what makes us great is the American part. So yeah, come the Fourth of July, we grill too much meat and pop too many fireworks, but that is what makes a good American, having too much of a good thing. But to the great man that was MLK, here are some of his thoughts:
- "Let no man pull you low enough to hate him."
- "The time is always right to do what is right."
- "We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools."
- "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
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