Tuesday, September 8, 2015

9/8/15 Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons?

    So we went to Schlitterbahn and had our fair share of fun and excitement.  All week long I was thinking I didn't want to go, then when we were in the water just going around and around the lazy rivers, I think "why don't we do this every weekend?"  The water was very calming.
    After we were done, and I was trying to rush on out of there, thinking the Longhorns were going to impress (they didn't), my phone had some missed texts from my supervisor.  She wanted me to come in to work Saturday if possible but definitely Sunday to do HOT work for a customer.  When a job is designated HOT, we usually get paid at twice our normal rates, which allows management to let us go in, because they are usually paying us time and a half.  Anyways, thinking I was going to work Sunday didn't change too much at that point.  We bought some cooked meat at Cooper's BBQ and headed home.  The game sucked, for lack of a better description and I was asleep on the sofa by 10pm.  Wife must have watched a little more TV and then drug me upstairs to bed around midnight.  I am always tired, but of course, once I nap for two hours, well, I am going to have a hard time staying asleep.  I woke up, wrote my blog for Sunday night, did a little husband and wife stuff, then stayed up looking at cars online until about 5am.
    Sunday, I got up around 1pm, ate some fruit, looked at naked girls online, then took another two hour nap before coming in to work around 4:00pm.  The work was stuff I had done before, so it was no big deal.  I saw my workout partner in one of the lab rooms, he had also been called to come in.  We got caught up on our weekends, then I started on my work.  By the time I finally had my samples in the tool and had coated them to be able to use them properly, my supervisor called again.  The customer changed their mind, their stuff was no longer HOT, they could wait until later in the week to get their results, so she said, go ahead and work on something else, since you are already there, but plan on taking a day off during your regular workdays.  I told her I would rather go home now since Wife had just started grilling.  She apologized a couple times, I said no problem, and I still went home by 6:30pm and enjoyed a relaxing Sunday night, again, asleep by 10:30pm. 
    Not that I had a point here, but there was no point to getting upset, I make tons of extra money from the OT, and I did tell her if customer changed their mind again, I was still available.  I like to think I am very flexible, if there's money to be made, I can be at work 70-80 hours a week, if there isn't, I can just as easily be home.

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