Sunday, July 12, 2015

7/13/15 Went And Saw Ted2? (movie)

    We went and saw Ted2 yesterday.  It was funny, but not as crazy as the first time we saw Ted.  It was almost too busy, there was a lot of moving around.  Ted was married, then he wasn't, movie was missing Mila Kunis from 1st installment, but was replaced by Amanda Seyfried.  I don't think they put her in the best light possible, she is beautiful in Mama Mia, she comes off OK in this movie.
    Once Ted starts trying to adopt, the system labels him a non-human, and basically seems to be running along the lines of being gay and not being able to get married.  There is a lot of civil rights talk, a drive, where they end up in a field of marijuana, and some great images of New York, concluding in a Comic Con.
    The one thing I really hate in a movie is when they are too lazy and use the same enemy, Giovanni Ribisi again comes out as the creeper obsessed with wanting his own Teddy Bear.  He tries his same lame attempts at stealing Ted, and oof course comes close, but not close enough.  Ted escapes, anticlimactically, Ribisi attacks Ted and John (Mark Wahlburg) pushes him out of the way, and he takes the hit and is put into a coma for a few hours.  Of course, everything works out in the end, even the voice of god (Morgan Freeman) comes out and helps Ted fight his case in becoming a "human" and John gets the girl.
    This was the smallest theater I have ever seen.  There were only three rows of people and each row only had like 10 people.  It was mostly full, maybe three people short of full, but still weird to be in a theater room that small.  I don't know if size was affecting things, but it was warm and even before we got our drinks I was whining to one of the servers.  The A/C came on, but it never really got cold in there.  We had eaten earlier, so all we had in there were a couple of sodas, popcorn, and a pretzel.
    After we got out, we stopped at a mexican restaurant, and ate a small dinner, I went with migas as I likee eggs and fried tortillas.  Wife had a burrito, although I don't believe she enjoyed it so much.  We then stopped for Taco Bell for Boy and were home and in bed by 11:30pm.
    Wife starts her bus driving classes this week, which was part of reason for sending Chubs to my  mom's so he wouldn't be bored, and Boy is working all week, at least for this week.  I work all the time, so nothing new with me.  I feel bad for Wife, she has alarm set for 5:30am.

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