Wednesday, July 1, 2015

7/1/15 Why Do We Leave Home?

    We are now back home, the last part of our drive is done and nothing left but to eat some Popeye's Fried Chicken and wash the stinky clothes we've been wearing on the road.  Overall, trip was great, not many complaints to bring up, and I look forward to doing it again.
    But isn't it nice to get home after leaving for a week or more?  I always get a little nervous that water will be dripping from a sink, or a toilet will have been running water and floor somehow got wet, or maybe someone broke in, even though alarm would tell us right away.
    Toughest part pf our drive is getting through Houston, it is such a wide ass city, kind of starting over on this side at Katy and meandering to an end on other side near Bayside.  Throw in some rain, my "sleepy sickness" and Wife refusing to drive in rain in big cities and that made yesterday afternoon quite a challenge.  We got threw it, rest of thee hour drive was pretty uneventful.  Once we got past Katy, I was able to hand vehicle over to Wife as that is pretty much her territory for work.
    I must say I loved using the HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lanes in Houston, since there were four of us, I jumped on there and it was like turbo on those old 2D video games, we blasted forward leaving chumps in the dust.  It felt like we were able to do that with about half the city, even though it was sucking horribly downtown, I just kept looking to my left for that magical escape lane.  I could almost see the lights of my hyperdrive as we made the jump to light speed.
    It was fun, as a passenger, I could look around more, usually, I am Mr. Concentration on the road, but riding as a passenger, I could look for alligators in the swamps, or girls showing off too much skin in neighboring cars, very different feeling than being the "Man" in charge.
    Everything came down from our vehicle as soon as we got home, I love the feeling of a good trip wrapped up.  I had not had much love for hotels, but those Town Place Suites were very nice and not too costly, I think we paid $149 for the night.  As we get older, maybe we'll cut the drive in half, but as long as we stay in nice places, who cares, it's all vacation time.

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