Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4/9/15 We're Downsizing Homes?

    It sucks personally, but it was just a matter of time.  I am waving the white flag, giving up the battle with my ego.  We are going to sell our bigger house.  I feel I am climbing uphill and somebody keeps putting bricks in my backpack.  I can't see the horizon and shit has gotten too heavy to continue.
    This downfall started quietly enough but I do believe my son going to college is slowly adding to our credit debt.  We keep putting his tuitions on different credit cards because it is more than his loans that he can get, and Boy dragged his feet applying for his loans at least once.  Then we buy all his books on whatever credit card is nearest.  Another big blow to make sure we failed was the taxes just kept creeping up.  Last year we saw an increase of roughly $300, and right when my brother who had been living with us left back home, taking his $600 a month stipend I used to enjoy.  I sacrificed my beautiful F250 I had gotten in 2010.  The payment was right at $589/mo. so it made sense, but then Boy needed a vehicle to drive daily to Tx. State, and we got him the Jeep for $379/mo.  And then to add insult to injury, out of the blue, my supervisor cut my pay eight glorious hours of OT every paycheck.  This was the final nail on the coffin. 
    I tried staying positive and for the most part there was OT above my normal work, so we've been able to keep crawling, but it has been difficult.  This past February for the first time ever, I went two paychecks back to back where I had no extra OT and my checks looked naked and weak.  Luckily, we had gotten our income tax and we floated by.  Some OT here and there, but I just cannot continue stressing over money.  I don't enjoy being cheap when my folks come up, trying to go to cheaper places than we normally like.  Also, my Mom, trying to help out grandson #1 offered to pay a portion of the rent in an apartment his friends are in, then luckily, his other grandparents decided they'd match the amount.  That is great, but now it is only Wife and Chubs in the house during the week.
    I don't know if we'll be able to get $100,000 in profit from selling the house, but it should be in that neighborhood, so we will pay off all credit debts and start fresh.  Add to that, our mortgage payment will now be a very affordable $850 instead of $3200 and whatever else we don't pay off, I will focus on taking care off, post haste.
    I already sense tension with my loving wifey.  She wants everything gutted and redone in old house starting with kitchen before we even move back, I am happy with new carpet and maybe painting the walls.  We shall find a happy medium, after all, we've been arguing with each other for 27 years, I think we can come to a decent compromise.

1 comment:

  1. She's finally getting her way huh? Yea she can be like that hahaha and I will look on Pinterest to help her decorate! ; )
