Wife is snoring away like an industrial saw right now, it is 4:52am (friday night). I fell asleep when we got home around 10:30pm, but woke at 2:00am with too much energy to fall back asleep. I don't have a need to get some sleep, I know i'll be able to sleep until 1:00pm or so.
She is doing another campus tour, this one to Texas A&M, gig 'em! (that ain't no Hook 'Em Horns!) She's been in her position as homeless liason for something like eight years. Every year, it's another pack of bright doe-eyed kids she takes under her wings, like a mama duck and exposes them to the grandeur of higher education. She hits all the colleges and universities in the area. Two weeks ago it was UTSA, a month ago it was Tx. State, next week she goes on an overnighter to Texas A&M in Corpus Christi.
This is all great for the high school kids, but it kinda sucks for us. It throws the weekends off. She'll get home tomorrow at 6:00pm, but she'll be tired, so we won't do much. The only good thing (for us), is that she gets paid extra, and this is how we are financing our way back to Disney this summer.
So she'll be working and Boy will be at Alamo Drafthouse, leaving me and Chubs to fill the day. It is supposed to be rainy, but we'll see. He was up until 4:30am, I went in and turned off his TV. This means that hopefully tomorrow he lets me sleep at least until noon. I am already thinking I want some pan dulce from a mexican bakery we didn't go to today. They sell some decent tacos so we'll probably do brunch there.
Since we are now in moving mode, Wife said I will be cleaning the pool, I think I'll be at Rooms To Go looking at smaller bedroom sets for at least Chubs. I am kind of thinking twin beds with trundle bed that pulls out from underneath, so my parents can sleep there when they come. These are just ideas, not sure I want to jam king sized beds in their small rooms over there, but it would be cheaper. There is also idea of a bed up above over a work station, so Chubs could have a desk and stuff under a full sized bed and his bed up around six feet high. I don't think my Mom or Dad would be able to use it though.
I wish it was football season, basketball isn't interesting until playoff time, and I just can't get into baseball. Rainy weather and wife gone sounds perfect to sit around and watch some sports. Ehh, who am I kidding, I'll be watching HGTV, but now it'll be research, not for enjoyment.
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