Saturday, April 27, 2019

4/27/19 Sometimes Listening Is Enough?

    Today was a surprising day.  First of all, Wife got out of a conference early and she was home by a decent 3:30pm or so.  Just as we were thinking of getting down to do the dirty, Girlie yelled that her mom had come over to visit.  Being that I don't like doing the dirty when I have to go to work because all I want to do after is sleep, I jumped out of bed and put some clothes on and went down to say hi.  It has seriously been awhile since we have even had conversations with her mom.  The good thing when you've known someone for a good twenty years is that we can usually pick up a conversation pretty easily.  This was not a good one, I can just say I was glad Wife was home.
    I guess she needed to vent and get away from her own environment.  Her older sister is going through chemo and radiation as she is battling cancer.  We were aware but since we have never been that close to that sister, we haven't gotten involved.  She honestly had a good cry about the lack of support and how she feels she is the only one helping her sister.  The sister has a daughter and two boys, but one of the sons lives in Corpus and the other lives in la-la land.  The daughter has a sick daughter with behavioral issues, so she has to be monitored at all times.  I felt bad for our friend, and all we can do is listen to her and offer her maybe lunch which we did, but she said she was just tired, not really hungry.
    Wife is always awesome in these situations because she knows of so many programs.  She started pulling up info of places that will drive her and bring food and help clean your house and other services.  She was not aware and I think that helped.  Going at it alone through these situations is not easy, I am glad my dad had my mom and even my younger brother to drive him back and forth for the 8 weeks of chemo that he just went through.  Another difference is that my dad was scared initially thinking maybe it was over, once he talked to the doctor and realizing he still has a lot of life left made him stay positive and that helps immensely.
    My friend was saying her sister has started saying at times that she wants to give up, she feels weak and overwhelmed and that adds to the stress of the whole situation when you are supposed to be providing support and positivity while the person is thinking the whole deal is too much trouble and it would be easier to give up.
    None of us are guaranteed a set amount of time.  A simple errand to the store could find one involved in a car accident, or a store robbery gone wrong, an idiot running a light, or even just the random choking on a chicken McNugget, you never know.  Treat life like the precious gift that it is and enjoy your time here.  For all of us, it is just a matter of time, even in the best of health, nobody gets out alive.

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