Wednesday, November 8, 2017

11/8/17 Mindhunter? (Netflix Series)

    I just finished watching this new series on Netflix, and it was pretty intense.  It is set in the 70's, which is cool because you see all these old cars I almost remember from back then running around in the background.  The story is set around Holden, the young FBI agent who is sent back to Quanico to train new recruits in hostage negotiations before falling into a partnership with Bill, an older agent.  Together, they travel the country teaching different police groups things the FBI is up on.  While traveling and discussing cases, Holden gets the idea that to think like a crazy murderer, they must learn from the crazy murderers.  At first they are doing it on the down low, their boss is unaware of what they are doing, but pretty soon, they are called in and they have to explain themselves.
    They come clean to a boss who seems stuck in the 1950's.  These guys don't even like the idea of cursing, let alone the idea of having conversations with known killers.  He allows it though after some very careful pleading, but they are to work out of the basement.  Before long, they are joined by an outside lady who I believe is a professor in psychology, and then eventually a third FBI agent.
    The best parts of the show is when they are talking to the serial killers.  The first one is all talkative, even friendly and disarming.  The second is a polar opposite, lies about everything, is hard to talk to, moody even.  The third or fourth guy is just plain nuts, but that makes it more interesting.  They are finding that even with their limited brand new knowledge, they can find and apprehend  other new serial killers much quicker than before.
    The intense nature of this job is eating at the guys and by the tenth episode, they have a falling out.  The new guy is a goody goody not cut out for this type of work, the lady is hiding the fact that she is a lesbian, which I guess was a bigger deal back then.  The older agent is almost repulsed constantly by the work that he does, but Holden is into it.  He goes in pushing buttons and pissing people off, some allies, some foes.
    I almost keep expecting the killers to get free and go after these guys, like in any stupid movie, but in reality that would be hard to happen, although the first killer manages to get himself to a hospital by attempting suicide.  This sets up the final scene which is very intense and involves Holden visiting him after pissing off everyone in his small world.  I cannot wait for season 2 to come back.

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