Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2/1/17 A Week Of Trump?

    It is funny how the usual funny sites and people I go to see all seem to be feeling the same thing.  I looked at Bill Maher's opening monologue, Colbert's, The Daily Show, and others on YouTube.  It is all really easy and they seem connected one 5-10 min bit feeds into the next one, but the point is they all seem like "man it's only been one week of Trump as POTUS, is it going to be like this for four or eight years?"
    He keeps signing executive order after executive order.  His first one is the wall.  Maybe it'll cost us 25 billion dollars, but it'll make people feel better.  There are ladders of any height and there are tunnels of any length, but go on believing a wall will help slow things down.  I liked Kellyanne Conway coming out with alternative facts.  I thought facts were facts, but whatever.  Another new one Trump slid past most normal slow people is that he wants to shut science up saying the EPA has to clear any release of information with them.  It benefits his businesses to dig for oil and deny global warming.  His new Head of Education Betsy Devoss is a creationist, which will not sit well if she starts forcing another round of teaching that alongside evolution.
    I don't know if it is because Trump is allowing the roaches to come see the light, but now without looking for it, I am getting bunches of youtube videos saying the world is flat and of course they do their experiments, such as releasing balloons or small rockets to show "the truth."  What the hell is going on?
    I don't know if I am more shocked by the stories coming from Georgia and the like with the National Socialists growing in numbers down there.  I saw a very interesting piece where a man of mixed black and white parents was out interviewing these people.  They did not want to bring hate on him, but they were confused.  They invited him out to see a proper burning of the swastika sign but then he wasn't allowed on their territory, so he viewed from across the street.  They all insist their hate is with the jewish people.  I still don't understand the hate of the jewish people.  I won't go so far as to say Trump hates the jews, but his closest buddies seem to be anti-semites and this week while recognizing the holocaust, there was a bit of denial that the whole jewish attack happened.  They wanted to make it more widespread, such as that along with the Jewish people, plenty of gypsies, and other "undesirables" were terminated in the death camps.  Why attempt to clean this up in any way?  It was horrible, and should not have happened, any way you want to slice it.
    Even if Trump turns out to be America's hero and keeps all the boogeymen out, look at what has become points of discussion.  Even George W. Bush and his warmongering were balanced by his shenanigans, almost choking on a pretzel, or acting all cowboy and attempting to cut mesquite trees out on the farm.  Bush was a goofy fuck.  Trump might just be a narcissist, but he is scary in that no one is telling him to calm the fuck down.
    Even Pablo Escobar who was a scary man in Narcos had a soft beautiful side when talking to his kids.  Why can't we see a moment or two of Trump addressing Barron in a fatherly tender moment, hell the only thing he has said about his kids is he'd bang the daughter.

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