Slightly more than two weeks remain until Christmas Eve
What could my boys to be impressed possibly receive?
This is what I mean that it has become a pain in the ass
when you outdo yourself each year, eventually you might reach an impasse.
I don't want lessons on volunteering and or learning how to pray,
remember volunteering is like working but without the pay.
I never understood why the poor must be serviced,
if there is food, can't they take turns, what exactly is their purpose?
I say this not because I am a dick, but the last few years we have donated
to Wife's aunt's church because those places can never be sated.
What started out as a meal for one hundred hungry has grown to over 500 people,
are they all needy who can't light an oven or just lazy free loading sheeple?
And how about all those sad sacks that hang out at every freaking light?
some with dogs, some with kids, no shame as long as your dollar is in sight
I would not say anything about them for it is hard and one must have the knack
except they can afford to smoke, and there was the idiot who exploded that beercan on my back.
Even in our house, we had that nosy neighbor "umm, you have 26 decorations on your yard"
wow, I thought, mind your own business, but I guess our HOA had in her a good guard.
But let's focus on the positive, I swear that is what I like
such as taking time off from work, maybe exercising on a bike
We need to get out of the city for a couple days
we'll probably go to my mom's for a couple nights if there is food to graze.
I do love being in my house wearing comfy old sweatpants
with nothing going on except scratching at my stuff like I got ants in my pants.
Merry Christmas to All, this is just a teaser
I'll do better on the 24th, I am such the pleaser.
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