Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11/5/15 Attack Of The Nerds?

  Nerds used to be a derogatory word to describe a person who studied too much.  I didn't hear it used too much around me, although I am sure I would have fit the description in my youth.  We didn't have the internet yet, at home, but we had encyclopedias, and these bad boys would travel with me every time I went and sat on the throne.  The information was nowhere near what kids can learn nowadays with the internet plugged in everywhere, even their phones.  I do remember being proud of myself for having read every book we had in our elementary library, probably the size of a bigger room, several shelves worth of books.
    It is counter-intuitive that the more information you load in your brain, the more the other kids are going to label you a nerd or a geek.  Why?  How is this bad?  The smarter you are, the more ways you can see life.  It's like having more colors in your box.  College just keeps adding to the color palette.  Where nerds might get access to a box of crayons with up to 152 separate colors, some of you knuckledraggers are going through life fisting a black and white crayon in each hand trying to understand why life don't make sense.
    Women are going to have to catch on that the world is not set up for the biggest strongest male anymore.  The reason this has always been the archetype is that we were once hunter/gatherers.  Nowadays, the higher paying jobs are going to go to the smartest person in the room.  That person is the one that is going to have the highest probability of providing their young ones with the advantages to succeed going forward.  Engineers, lawyers, programmers, doctors, all professions which require nerds due to the amount of knowledge one has to upload to be proficient.  The world will start to shrink for the muscle bound, no brains type.  Even cars today are getting more sophisticated, Joe Mechanic has to be on top of his game and know how to work a computer into his diagnostics, if he is going to be successful.
    I welcome our 100 pound overlords, for they will conquer with fast and furious fingers, we are already upon their golden age, not a matter of if it will happen, but when.

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