Halloween came and went. It was good, although the Longhorns got spanked something fierce. We didn't get up until around 2:00pm, so we would be rested for the night. After getting up, we ate some tacos, then headed to Central Market for some Halloween treats for us. I love their breads, I opted for a sourdough variety. Wife got a couple sides for later at night. We were back home by 5:30pm.
On our way home, Wife was already giving me a list of chores, which I was getting all grrrr, because the Longhorns were starting at 6:00pm. I was to take out our big inflatable door entryway thingie, we keep it put away because I worry it could get vandalized, and only set it up Halloween Night. Then I had to get grill ready, but not start it yet, and finally go change into my costume. While doing this, kids were already showing up, which Wife was getting ready for.
We gave out candies until about 7:00pm, then Chub's friend showed up from his class. He was weird about going with her, then I suggested Wife go with them. She had a whole family with her, parents, and a couple little siblings. They walked away into the darkness of our neighborhood. Wife then said the little girl's parents said they could go ahead since they were moving slower because of the smaller kids. Wife kept up with them and later told me she was even more of a chatterbox than Chubs. He couldn't get a word in sideways, she jumped from one topic to another to another. Poor Chubs was drenched in sweat from his bulky costume. He had a coat and a vest and two other shirts, not to mention a tie and a scarf, topped with a goofy hat. He was one with Halloween after his walk, but he had a great time.
Girlie stopped by with her two younger siblings and took them around our neighborhood, then filled her bag with candies from our house. We didn't expect much more than her since we weren't having a party, but then Boy showed up with about nine kids he ran into and went with to that Wizard Con. I hate being ill prepared without food, we only had a couple steaks, not even any sausages or other meat to feed everybody. Boy handled it like a champ, he ordered pizza to feed them. I still fell weird eating our steaks while they ate pizza.
We decided to give them the run of the house, and although it was before midnight, we came up to our room, and here we sit at 12:33am watching Halloween episodes of our favorite shows, and of course writing of this little blog. We did run down awhile ago so I could get a cup of coffee and a slice of pumpkin pie. Happy Halloween Peeps, time for Christmas commercials...
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