Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12/9/14 You Want To Be A Man? #1

    I am raising two boys, and we have seen many male friends of my son come through, plus I was involved in my upbringing, so of course I am an expert.  If I can impart my wisdom on any lost man-child, start with looking in the mirror and telling yourself that guy there is responsible for everything that happens to him.  If you fail a class, it wasn't the teacher having it in for you, you were an idiot, didn't learn what was being taught and YOU failed.  You have a whole semester, 16 weeks, tutors, libraries, friends who have taken said class, unless you were doing everything in your power to pass, save the excuses.
If you get fired from a job, again you think I am going to believe you when you come around and say "my boss doesn't like me".  Of course that is true, nobody likes shitty 20 year old guys, they're useless, unless they find a way to be productive.  My son works ferrying drinks and food at Alamo Drafthouse, place is lousy with stairs, thanks to invention of stadium seating.  My son is young enough and salary is fair enough that he can do that for a few years, while he goes to college.  I don't mind him running up and down those stairs with food and drinks.  He's not roofing or working out in the elements.  He is relatively safe.  He will tell me he keeps track and he's putting in like 16,000 steps, equivalent to nine miles, I say good. 
    He has a friend who can't keep a job, boy has a hot head and thinks wiping down surfaces is beneath him.  He was working in one of those places where kids are entertained for $10/hr.  Of course there's snot everywhere, that's what little kids are good at making.  He got told one too many times to go Windex the glass surfaces and he refused, guess what, "you're fired."  Nice call, Numbnuts.  This kid refused to even try college, not for everybody, fine, but that means you better not be afraid of manual labor.  Mama and Grandma are only going to do so much, he hasn't come over in a while, and I feel he knows I will bust his balls. 
    My son had a bag recently taken from his vehicle, looks like some Robin Hood type pried open the passenger door and took it, rubber gasket is kind of pulled and looks tampered with.  He wants to lash out, but really, in this day and age, we know we can't leave nice things laying around.  Luckily, bag only had some laundry in it.  If my son learns to not leave things laying around for others to take, then that was a worthy lesson.
    If you spend your days playing video games, and your girlfriend makes more money than you, you're probably a man-child.  Do something about it, turn off the TV and go interact with the real world.  "The Man" does not care what color you are, where you come from, how old you are.  "The Man" cares about his business, will this asshat make me or lose me money?  Prove yourself worthy to the people you interact with.  Who gives a rat's ass that you're really good at Super Mario Bros. or whatever the kids are playing today?

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