It seems we finally got past all the shenanigans associated with having to protect ourselves with techniques that aren't great from the ever-present Covid and its associates. I was just wondering what the mouthpiece of disease, Fauci has to say nowadays, only to find that he is being kept kind of quiet right now as he himself battles with Covid. I don't wish him ill, or anyone for that matter, but how can he still say that being vaccinated and double boostered is the best course, and then people are still getting sick, even worse than the first time around.
He is not the only one battling it right now, apparently, my coworker's wife was sick with it recently for the second time and this time she did feel ill and required my coworker to leave work and go out to "save her" (she was out of state, and he flew to her to drive her back home). I thought it interesting that like Fauci, she too is double vaccinated and has double boosters, and the second time she gets infected, her symptoms are much worse. My question is "does having all the extra boosters and vaccines make your body lose its edge and just not fight the virus as aggressively as it could?" It is almost impossible to figure out if not having been vaccinated would lead to milder symptoms somehow, or if indeed as Fauci said "he might not be around if he wasn't boostered and everything else. He benefits from saying and thinking that way, since he is still one of the few espousing to get vaccinated.
I was thinking about this because masks are an absolute rarity nowadays, I think I saw an old lady wearing one going into a restaurant, oh and a couple of knuckleheads had them around their necks walking out of HEB when I went to get groceries. Either commit to the masks completely and totally, or don't bother, Baby A was really good about always having one with him, but he was constantly taking it off and putting it on, so was he really protecting himself?
I don't know, maybe Fauci is right, but I still feel that the best course is for all of us to just get exposed and live with it like we do the flu. When it gets bad, influenza is still a top ten killer though, but that is mostly when it goes after the older population. I'm not ashamed to admit that I recently did start taking a vitamin pill to increase my Calcium, Vitamin D, Manganese and zinc which I do believe have helped based on studies from other doctors I have seen online.