Last night was a fun evening, put together by the booster club, to recognize the Cougar family and celebrate how far we have come together. Up until a couple months ago, we were involved and going to the meetings which occur weekly, but then they announced that the banquet was going to be on a night when the wrestling team was going to be at a tournament, so why would we bend ourselves backwards for this celebration when we wouldn't even be able to attend or enjoy its fruit? Some things happened, maybe the coaches realized that the initial date was a bad one and things were moved to this weekend, which is one of the few ones lately we weren't stuck in a gym all day.
Things like this always catch us by surprise, even if we know they are coming. I had at least gotten Mijo to show me some nice clothes he could wear the night before, or we were going to have to go to the mall, a place he does not like at all. He managed to pull out a nice jacket and dress shirt, the jacket still had the tag, he had never worn it, I think we bought it for him his freshman year, he actually weighs less now than he did then, but he was softer, now he is more compact and stronger than ever, either way, we didn't have to leave the house. He decided on jeans and then some dress shoes he also has maybe worn once. He had talked of dressing up for school at one point, like Boy, but then this guy is strictly a hoodie and t-shirt kind of guy, so all his dressy stuff has just sat in his room. I went with a black dress shirt and jeans, with some dress shoes as well. Wife dressed up like she was going to work, no problems there. I did lend Mijo one of my nice watches, which was quickly noticed by his friends who complimented it as "very nice and expensive looking."
Mijo is funny, because he showed up to win. He mentioned at the house that if they were recognized, he should win the offensive lineman award, so he was there, much like when wrestling. He was not interested in eating, he was just pacing back and forth, joking with his friends a bit, but then sat on the edge of his chair. He was called up and recognized twice, once for Offensive lineman of the year and then for earning 2nd Team All District honors again as a lineman. His coach went on and on, mentioning "this young man comes every day with a positive attitude, he inspires and motivates the kids around him, has a phenomenal squat (525lbs), and is versatile, didn't complain when we moved him from guard to center two weeks before the start of the season." Every time we approach the coaches, they go on and on about what a great kid Mijo is, it is such a nice feeling to have our boys always talked up like this, tells me our efforts are worth something.
The head coach talked about the falling short and that it was a bit disappointing, but then talked about a lot of positives, we are only losing 6-7 seniors, compared to schools like LBJ, which did go far in the playoffs, but are losing 29 seniors. Marble Falls and Liberty Hills, two monster programs, will no longer be in our district. We have a good chance of winning the district next year, based on where we stand, so it gives the team a reason to go forward.
The banquet itself was great, we were served brisket and sausage, after thinking we were going to eat enchiladas. They also had some silent auctions to raise money for the Booster club, which we kicked in and I bought a cool basket with some nice mug and glass combo that I thought were ceramic but ended up being aluminum, with the Cougar logo. All in all, it was a great night.