This year has flown by, between Biden and the democrats leading us to fear for our lives, Covid-19 refusing to go away, and living in Austin, where the cost of housing has skyrocketed, it seems like we spent the year inside hiding from the life we used to have. Either way, there is no denying that once we get to Halloween, I think of the year as pretty much done. We will enjoy the evening, good or bad, giving out candies to any and all who come by, then tomorrow will be Nov. 1st. This starts an internal countdown to Thanksgiving. There will be 3 weeks until Wife and I finally take a week off, it has been since March that she has not had a week off because of her new job.
After we are off for a week, we have three more weeks and then we are looking at 2 weeks off, at least for Wife and Baby A. I am still unsure how the time will play out for me, they always want us to be available, but I have managed to be off for two weeks during Christmas and New Year's now for the last couple of years. Within that time, Baby A will be ending football season, next week is the last game of the season, he will have one week off and then the first wrestling tournament begins. I am still pissed at the movies that show these kids doing all sorts of sports and having time to get into shenanigans, there is never enough time to do more than an occasional dinner when we are in the middle of a sports season.
Wife and I were talking and we would like to fit in a trip to the Ren fest, if possible. We also talked about possibly a weekend to Houston, but that might be reaching. The three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas break are already filled in with Wrestling tournaments that show matches Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Being that Mijo is more excited about wrestling than football, we have to rise and support that enthusiasm, unless we want to be shitty parents. I am just hoping he improves on the experience from last year, when he managed to win some matches without realizing he had won because he knew so little.
Between now and Thanksgiving, I will also be having to take down all the Halloween decorations I worked to put up during September and replace it all with Christmas decor, just part of what we do.
I don't know that I hated this year as much as I should. I got Covid in January and survived it as did most of my family, later in the summer. We did lose a friend of the family to it, and she was young, probably in her early 30's, so I don't deny that it isn't real, but I still don't think it is what the left wants us to believe. The housing market went off the rails in the Spring, as even our house had crazy valuations, more than double what we bought it for, but I think it is coming down and I am hoping that within a year or two, when Boy has really saved some money to move out, there will be positive growth and he will be able to find a nice affordable home to move into. I am still not in a rush to see him move out, so the housing market doing its stuff is okay with me, for now. Everything in its own time, as they say.